Sunday, September 27, 2009

Video Project

For this project, I didn't want to do something typical like playing a video game or watching tv so I choose to film myself using a sewing machine. It was something I had taken up during the summer and is now a hobby of mine. I do practice every weekend or whenever I can and since I had time, I chose to practice and film at the same time.


  1. I have to admit, this wasn't the first video I shot. I first filmed myself playing a video game and it was honestly scary and boring.  It was a solid 2 minutes of me looking like a zombie with very limited movement. While watching, I actually thought my computer had frozen because I had been seeing the same image for several seconds, no movement, noise , not even any blinking. I then decided that any video I made of myself using something like the computer, a phone, or watching tv would just look the same so I decided to use a piece of technology that actually involved movement. I felt SO much better about this video then the other one. It was just so much more productive then playing a video game because I was actually creating something. I was making a big bow out of cloth, as in the other video i had created nothing but a scary stare. One thing I don’t like about this video is that I waved hello and goodbye. To me it makes the production look fake. Also, I do feel that the first video of me playing video games would be a better for this project since it’s something I had a lot to say about because I wasn’t proud of it at all.

    As for things like the wii, I think they are helpful and harmful. The wii is better for you them most video games because it gets you active, but people also rely on it to much in their life. A lot of people think using their wii will help them excursive and lose weight , which it will but not a significant amount. I have a wii fit and it doesn't provide any serious activity. Mainly just a lot of stretching which isn't much better then playing a normal video game. You will see much more progress in your health and weight if you do something actually active like riding a bike, lifting weights, swimming, ect....

  2. I have a sewing machine too! Maybe you can help me with my problem. Whenever i sew something the front pieace of the material i sew, the lines look fine but flip it over its all bunched up and tagled and poop looking??Why does it do that! ahh

  3. Hey,
    I liked that you decided to do something different! It was an interesting piece of technology you chose to film yourself using. I have to agree with you, using the sewing machine instead of playing a video game or texting like I did is a lot more productive. I think that all this technology we use on a daily basis doesn't really benefit us. It just makes us lazy. For example with the Wii why can't we just go out and do some actual work outs instead of pretending like we are with the wii.I think that you should have added the video of you playing the video game.I would have liked to have seen it. I like zombies. Your video makes me consider how unproductive all the technology I use is. Now I'm sad.

    Nice video. Good thoughts.
