Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Q and A

Asking a family member=
Me: How would you spend you day without recreational technology (like ipods, cellphones, computers, ect...)? Would it be more eventful or less? Why?

Raven (cousin): Depends on where you are. If your already around friends or family who you can interact with, then you wouldn't really need technology for entertainment but if you were alone without a form of communication, then it would be boring and difficult to try and meet up with people.

Me: But if you didn't have a phone or im or anything, how would you already be around your friends?

Raven: Well I would see them at school and work.

Me: Oh right, well back to your comment. Would the day be eventful or not?

Raven: Well without technology, it would be less eventful but with technology it would more eventful. Without it, you would do things that would actually involve thinking, activity and face to face interaction. Technology wouldn't be there to distract you from going out and taking chances instead of staying home on the computer or on the phone.

Me: I understand what you are saying, with no technology, things would be less eventful because you wouldn't be doing anything really exciting if you couldn't get incontact with other people.

Raven: Right, there is a limit to how much you can do alone.

Me: Okay so let me restate my sentence, would you achieve more without technology or less?

Raven: You probably would achieve more. Computers are great devices and can help you with a lot but technology can be distracting. Technology can be used for very intellectual things like learning about other cultures but you can also engage in in certain activity less because of technology like reading, writing , going out and actually watching movies and buying CD's instead of illegally downloading them and a lot of other things that people used to do before advanced technology came along.

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