Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Q and A part 2; Asking Bestfriend

Asking my best friend (Through IM) Pink is me, orange is my friend who wishes to be anonymous
how many hours do you use your technology (its for hw)
lmao 12?
mk and what would you do if you didnt have technology for a day
i know thats just a long time everyone else i asked lied and said like 4
uhhh smoke weeed or chill with friends
i have to put this on a website lmao
ill just put anonymous
lol hang ouwith frind then
oh werdd put annoymous
lol ok but how would you meet up with ur friends if u didnt have a phone

after schol
oh yea llol

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Video Project

For this project, I didn't want to do something typical like playing a video game or watching tv so I choose to film myself using a sewing machine. It was something I had taken up during the summer and is now a hobby of mine. I do practice every weekend or whenever I can and since I had time, I chose to practice and film at the same time.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Response to Comments

To Larche,
I like how you really elaborated on my post. Your comments were the most helpful ones that I got because they really made me think about how I could have added more to my post about the issues of technology. Also, your constructive criticism on my piece helped me realize I could have put a lot more into my own post like how you had mentioned the lack of physical activity technology brings upon us. I had only been focusing on one of the issues when you had tackled many of them and had talked about us as a community when I had only been talking about myself. I feel that technology can be so addictive to the point were we can actually become unhealthy because of lack of exercise. When you mentioned on your blog that technology keeps people from basically going outside because they can use the internet for almost anything, I began to question what the future holds for us. Something your blog really had me think about is that we have way to many opportunities on the internet and what kind of effect it will have on us in the future which leads me to believe that we both might question what kind of opportunities will the internet have for us in the future? Since it is already so advanced, is it even possible there will be any major improvements? Thanks for the great comments and advice!

To Kiana,
I really liked how you could connect to my mishap with my phone, it made the comment feel very friendly and personal. The way you had written felt like you had actually taken some time to read what I had wrote and your response just felt like you really had understood what I had gone through, which was comforting :). Your advice about expanding on my ideas was very helpful, especial your advice about how I had started my sentences in my blog. “Also by starting off your sentences with a stronger view point (basically stating your idea in the beginning of the sentence and then going onto explaining it) can be very helpful” This was so helpful! It made me feel as if maybe how I had written my entry was confusing or not interesting which is something I can definitely work on avoiding. The way you extended on my thoughts about being empty without something as silly as your phone had me thinking about how dependent we are on material items. We have become connected to so many material things like credit cards, chargers (for phones, computers, Ipods etc...) our computers and so much more that weren’t needed years ago which leads me to a question I believe both of us would be interested in, if our generation suddenly had to live like a previous generation that didn’t have advanced technology, how do you think we would react? Would we even be able to survive? Although both our blogs were some what personal, yours revolved around not only you but what had been happening to others like when you mentioned a quote someone had said earlier in class. Mine had only focused on one time when I had lost my phone which makes it less interesting. Thanks for the wonderful advice and all the great comments!
To Sam,

I still can’t see your page! Its weird I don’t think anyone else is having this problem.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Q and A

Asking a family member=
Me: How would you spend you day without recreational technology (like ipods, cellphones, computers, ect...)? Would it be more eventful or less? Why?

Raven (cousin): Depends on where you are. If your already around friends or family who you can interact with, then you wouldn't really need technology for entertainment but if you were alone without a form of communication, then it would be boring and difficult to try and meet up with people.

Me: But if you didn't have a phone or im or anything, how would you already be around your friends?

Raven: Well I would see them at school and work.

Me: Oh right, well back to your comment. Would the day be eventful or not?

Raven: Well without technology, it would be less eventful but with technology it would more eventful. Without it, you would do things that would actually involve thinking, activity and face to face interaction. Technology wouldn't be there to distract you from going out and taking chances instead of staying home on the computer or on the phone.

Me: I understand what you are saying, with no technology, things would be less eventful because you wouldn't be doing anything really exciting if you couldn't get incontact with other people.

Raven: Right, there is a limit to how much you can do alone.

Me: Okay so let me restate my sentence, would you achieve more without technology or less?

Raven: You probably would achieve more. Computers are great devices and can help you with a lot but technology can be distracting. Technology can be used for very intellectual things like learning about other cultures but you can also engage in in certain activity less because of technology like reading, writing , going out and actually watching movies and buying CD's instead of illegally downloading them and a lot of other things that people used to do before advanced technology came along.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Responding to Blogs


Your ideas were spread out well and even. I love how you had so much to say, but kept it short instead of rambling on and on about something. It made your entry very enjoyable to read! You also managed to cover basically everything the internet offers. It really made me think about how I could have  added on to my own post because I had only focused on one issue with technology, when you had shown many sides of it. I also like how you included both negative and positive issues about the internet like you can use the internet for communication and even to become a celebrity, but It could also cause a decrease in face to face interaction and even start an addiction. One thing I would have liked to see was maybe another small paragraph on why you think the technology can be malicious. I think you can make a lot more interesting and entertaining thoughts about your last statement ("The internet for many is also used as an escape from reality and you can become whoever you want while on it.")  keep up the good work!


I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one forgetting my phone :P When you mentioned how you sometimes remember your phone instead of house keys, I noticed I do it too and how ridiculous it is. When I forget my phone it's like the end of the world, but I'm okay with forgetting my keys when they are way more important! Maybe technology is making us more forgetful because we rely on it too much. I also liked how you made the post so personal and even used a quote from class. The quote you used from one of your peers really spoke to me. I felt the same way on the first week of school. I have never used blogs to do homework and the whole idea feels alien and wrong to me. It is almost like technology is replacing all the past generations accomplishments which some people seem more attached to because they grew up with it. Overall great post,  I loved how everything you wrote about was about your experiences. It felt very real and I was very easy to connect to , can't wait for your next post :)


Unfortunately, Blogger says your blog can not be found which is ridiculous because I can see others have commented on it. I'm sorry I was too late to respond and when the problem is solved, I definitely read your post and give a proper response. Sorry.

Monday, September 14, 2009

homework assignment 3

Only recently did I notice how addicted I was to technology. In a way, most of us are. We all have phones or computers or video games. I myself only noticed that I use way too much technology during the survey we did for Andy’s class. It adds up to a huge waste of time, we could all be doing something better. I feel that computers don’t necessarily make you smarter. We depend on it too much and when we can’t use technology, we are kind of stumped. Just the other day I had lost my phone and all I realized how much I use it each day. Without it, I felt empty like I had been missing something REALLY important when I really wasn’t. I didn’t NEED my phone, but I was still dependant on it for communication, to check the time and to text. I think it's a bad thing to have too much technology in your life. You should always live life in moderation or else you will become addicted to something.