Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Trends in the stories + Comments on 5 people

     Something most of the stories had in them where morals. All the main characters where put in line at the end of the story, thus learning a lesson. In Matt’s story, the psychiatrist tries to explain to his client that she is has so much more to offer then just her looks. She has more value then she is showing, which she begins to realize a bit in the end. Once he has explained this to her, her attitude seemed to change from angry to understanding. Conor’s story also has a message. His main character acts like a total jerk, constantly cracking jokes on others until one girl cant take it anymore. She puts him in his place by telling him the truth, his bad attitude has made everyone in the school dislike him. After hearing this, the main character can’t even come up with a snappy response, he just sits there quietly with a sad expression. In the end, he realizes his snappy comments will no longer get him cheep laughs. He had become the joke now and after seeing how it feels, he learns it doesn’t feel good to be picked on.
    Jessica’s story seemed to be strongly based on morals. All the other stories seemed to include an analysis on what cool looks like, like fashion and how their characters talk. Jessica’s story was more about what it is to act cool which she describes as skipping school and classes. But in the end, her main character gets into academic problems and she realizes that grades are more important then having fun. Morals can also be seen in Larche’s story. The “new” girl has everyones attention on her first day there. She is so use to everyone focusing on her and admiring her fashion sense, but then a newer kid arrives and she suddenly is old news. The “new” girl learns how fast the spot light can be taken off someone, and how bad it feels afterwords. 
    However, Sam’s story to me was really honest since it didn't have a moral. Her main character learned nothing, he just continued to conform to his friends ideas of dressing “cool”. Instead of thinking as an individual, he actually felt bad about looking different and immediately changed his style. Sam’s story shows the true reality of cool, no one learns a lesson about being their own individual, they just continue to conform. 

Dear Conor,
Your story was very interesting, but was the person you where describing yourself or was it just written in first person? I like how it describes the typical “cool” guy, always making jokes and being kind of an ass. I felt that this story was really real and true to life, one thing I didn’t like was that it was so short. I know you can write a longer story that’s even more interesting :)

Dear Matt,
I liked your story a lot. I found it was so creative, I didn’t see anyone else who wrote a play. You made the characters and setting so real, I feel it might have been the best cool’ story I have read when it comes to realism. I love how you get into details, the characters really have their own personalities. One thing to work on was proof reading, that was basically the only problem. You’re a great writer Matt, all your stuff makes me think. Keep up the good work!

Dear Jessica,
Your story had a great message! I like how it wasn’t just all about being cool, it was about living life in moderation. Shaquiqua wanted to be popular, but she started doing it through skipping school. But once she gets into academic problems, she  realizes that she doesn't need to skip school to be "cool" and that grades are more important then popularity.  In the end, she finds a way to balance the two and be cool and get good grades.  I would have liked to see some dialogue in it but other wise this was a good story! 

Dear Larche,
I really enjoyed your story! I really liked the quote  “She looked like she just stepped out of a magazine with her appealing looks. ", it reminded me of when we wrote what "cool" actually means . I wrote about how what we think is cool is heavily influenced through the media and I used magazines that shows what's "in" or "out" as an example, I can just picture your character looking through a magazine foe “cool” looks. I also like how you really explained what made her cool. Her clothing is "crazy" and unique, she has different hair and glasses, and she is exceedingly confidant because of all the attention she is drawing from her peers. There's not much I didn't like, it was a great story all around. Also your character sounds really interesting looking, very creative :)

Dear Sam, 
Your story was short but sweet, it gets the true message of looking "cool". Most people included morals and lessons in their stories but in real life that stuff doesn't happen, your story is something that could actually happen. When people are trying to act cool ,they don't usually learn a lesson that shows them being themselves is okay which is what I liked about your story. Thank you for being honest about "cool". I also like all the comics you post on your blogs,their cute and witty. :) Great story can't wait to see more of your work!

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