Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hw 11

Since this was the first experiment we are doing in class, I decided to take it slow. I chose to start with not using my cell phone for a full day, a task I felt would be easy but turned out to be incredibly hard. Without my phone, I couldn't go anywhere because I couldn't call anyone, not even my family. I also noticed how incredibly addicting my phone is. Once I had put it down I felt tempted to constantly read or send text messages to my friends, it was all I was thinking about. It was disappointing to see how hard the day was for me without my phone. Now that I actually couldn't use it, I felt like I NEEDED it. For me, I think the phone is a form of entertainment especially since mine has a T.V in it (which I didn't know when I bought it and personally think is stupid) and without the phone, I felt board and the day seemed longer. What I find even worse is that when I couldn't depend on my phone for entertainment, I turned to other electronics like my T.V or my computer instead of going outside and being active. Once I had noticed that, I went outside to draw for an hour or so, but unfortunately that wasn't very satisfying. The drawing in the park was very relaxing, I felt great actually going inside and gathering inspiration from actual people and not from images off my computer, but the day wasn't nearly as fun because of the parks location. The park near my house is a beautiful strip full of trees and grass, but its right in between two busy streets that are ALWAYS full of cars. Enjoying my alone time became difficult when all you can hear are the various noises of several cars like them driving, loud music blasting from them, and honking. It just felt like I was surrounded by technology again. This caused me to cut my drawing time short and I ended up back at home watching Television. What I am thinking of doing for my next experiment is a full day outside without any electronics. I want to go somewhere peaceful were I can't hear the loud noises of the city, so I am thinking an all day hike maybe in Inwood park. I really thought that giving up a piece of my technology would bring me closer to nature, which I believe my next experiment can properly provide.

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