Friday, November 6, 2009

Homework 13 Feed B

Although the story focuses on Titus and his friends, the author still find ways to sneak secret messages into the book that show that even tough Titus and his friends are happy with the feed, not everyone is. During the beginning of the book, Titus and friends are on the moon in a car and they drive past people protesting the feed, they pay them no mind. "they were protesting all these things, some of them even were protesting the feed. They were shouting, "chip in my head? I'm better off dead!chip in my head? I'm better off dead! " Loga rolled her eyes and was like, "Omigod' page 32. After this they aren't mentioned again. I like how the author includes the other side of the story by including the people who aren't conforming to the feed in the story. However, he only gives undertones of this, I think it's a nice way of showing how most of the population has already gave in and became a part of the feed now.

Another part I enjoyed was when the author shows signs of how nature is dyeing off is during the hospital scene were Titus and Violet are looking out at the dead garden. "Outside the window there was a garden....a long time ago the glass celling over the terrarium had cracked, and so everything was dead, and there was moon dust all over everything out there. Everything is gray" page 62. Titus has no reaction to the dead garden other then its beautiful. What I think the author was trying to show was that nature had been dyeing off due to the excessive technology use.  No one had even cared to replace the flowers that had once been there, They have been dead for years. Nature seems to be losing importance in the feed world.

My last argument is when Titus is looking at an older persons feed post. He writes about a time when Eagles were around and there were forests. This implies that in the feed world, there are no forests. "I remember as the last forest about that time, we would see hawks and eagles in the cities. People walked outside more, back then. The temperate usually didn't get about a hundred. There were streets in the cities, and eagles flew over them, wobbling without moving their wings.." page 94. This quote indicates many economic problems the feed world has been going through. Obesity seems to be up since it is stated that people get less excursive, global warming rising because the temperate is rising, all the forests are gone and hawks and eagles are extinct. Of cause, Titus pays this no mind and says its just an old mans rants. They do not know how bad their situation is. I think the author slipped this piece in to just the message across that the over run of technology has ruined to economy of this city.

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