Monday, October 12, 2009

Video comments

Dear Sam,
I would first like to say I'm sooo sorry for posting this SO late. This is honestly something I thought I had posted before, but I had forgotten my computer crashed before it sent. I'm sorry I jeopardized your own work because of my clumsiness. Now to get to your video, I loved the scenario you filmed yourself in. The whole thing just felt real since you were relaxed and in your PJ’s and in what I assume is your room. The setting just looked comfortable and not awkward because you know the camera is there, I know mine looked that way. 
Your point about advertising was very interesting too. I always felt like advertising didn't effect me, but after reading your post I noticed that advertisements for electronics effect me. I don't know if its just me, but they seem more appealing like the ipod commercials that distract you with cool "hip" music, vibrant colors, and wild dancing. And like the PS3 commercials with the slogan 'it only does everything". Both commercials drew me in because I had liked what I had seen and they weren’t full of cheesy acting and lame jokes, they were just full of excitement. Now I'm kind of embarrassed to say I own both of those things. 
When you had questioned what your day would be like without your phone, I had thought the same thing. After watching a few peoples videos I began to question, why are they so important and would communication be easier without it? I myself use my phone A LOT for texting. So I guess if I didn't have a phone for a day, it would be harder to get in contact with people. How would we be in contact with out phones? Would we have to go find the person we need to see?  
Something I found very interesting about your post was the part about your little sister. I would have liked to hear more about how technology can effect younger children. I had always seen it as a negative effect because I’m always seeing like 7 year old kids on the train using ipods when they could be talking to their parents. But in your sisters case it seems more like a positive effect because your dads trying to make her happy, not block her out.
Your video made me think a lot about how technology can be used positively. Abusing  phones or ipods  has always seemed like a waste of time to me but in your video, The main thing you are doing is reading a book which I feel is a lot more progressive then reading a text. I liked how you mixed technology with actually doing something productive, and It made me think a lot about how I should do the same and not just choosing between the two. Great video, hope to read a lot more of you posts ^^ 

Dear Larche,
I am soooo sorry this post took forever to put up. While posting this, my computer crashed and I had forgotten the comment never sent >< I’m sorry I jeopardized you completing your own homework because I was careless >< But about your video, I liked how honest you were about it. Instead of making a bunch of excuses, you admit you use both your ipod and phone a lot and that for you it's a little escape from reality. I like that you didn't BS your response :P I think one of the main things about your video and something I also noticed about mine is how people get so into technology! When you said "While texting and listening to my ipod was entertaining to me, at the same time for someone watching me it might seem like I'm kind of being hypnotized by the objects in front of me." I just thought Wow! Thats exactly what I was trying to say. I had said zombified but hypnotized describes it way better since your eyes get glued to the screen your focused on. Your video made me think a lot about how a lot of my day is music and phone too. My phone isn't really an escape from reality to me but music is. I usually blast music from my speakers while I do anything boring like homework or cleaning my room because it just makes things a lot easier! Something I notice that my friend and I do is that we both sometimes picture our selves in  a music video for the song we are listening too which is a total escape from the real world. Loved your post can't wait to read the next! 

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