Tuesday, October 13, 2009

response to video comments

Dear Larche
Haha, yes zombies are entertaining :P first off thank you for all the lovely comments! I like how you actually made me laugh and the comment wasn't just following the abcdef format thing, I know mine sounds like that >< Yea I agree, I should have posted that video it would have fit the project better. And don't feel sad your video was a great example for this project! There was so much to say about yours! What you said about the wii was exactly what I was thinking. People should stop pretending their really working out, my wii fit just makes you do a bunch of stretches and hoping around which isn't much exercise. I basically feel we had the same thoughts in both our posts. We all use unproductive technology and your right It is making us lazy. I use my phone to check the time all the time! Just last week in class I was signing out to the bathroom and I checked my phone for the time and the teacher said why cant you use the class clock? I hadn't even noticed we had one because I use my phone all the time, and the even sadder part is that when I turned to read the clock I couldn't remember how for a split second. It was a personal moment of embarrassment :/ I think something we can both think about it what other parts of our lives do technology make lazy or lazier? Thanks again for the great comment hope you enjoyed mine :)

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