Monday, April 26, 2010

Since our class video is missing, I have watched Esther's video instead. I thought it was interesting that they chose a student to play the role of teacher. However, I do remember what my role in the film was. I was basically an extra; I was student acting rudely towards the teacher. I had no lines but I improvised what a bad student would do by texting, not doing work and talking to others during class. Our message shares the same message as Esther's film. It was basically that in a classroom, the students really have the power because we out number the teacher. We respect the teachers because that is what we have been raised to do, we are programmed to respect teachers since we are in preschool. But as we get older, we take advantage of weak teachers and over power them. In our film, we just kept disobeying the quite, unassertive teacher who was trying to make us open up to him. We continued to be rowdy until he gave up and left the class. In Esther's film, the teacher seems to be a struggling alcoholic. He gets distracted by drinking and texting while grading tests and just falls asleep. The next day, he can't control the class no mater how hard he tries so the next day he gives up and sleeps while the students continue to lose control. He then is sick of it and tells the students about themselves and also leave (or at least that’s what I think happened again the sound was off) 

a. your personal contribution
b. your analysis of the message and tone of your section's film
c. contrast the film with the savior/teacher films we watched clips of
d. theorize (explore thoughtfully and powerfully) the connection between salvation and education/schooling in our culture

Monday, April 12, 2010

Teacher: An ex sergeant who comes to a messed up school to straighten out the students. The students of Mulberry High are rowdy and troublesome, all the other teachers are scared of them and have given up on teaching them. The principle, who sees the children as delinquents has asked this new teacher to please work at their school to get the kids in order. Un like the movie cliché, the principle has hope for the students and wants them to succeed but he is frustrated that they choose not to do the work so he hires this new teacher to put them in line. The new teacher just sees this job as a pay check and is a bit power hungry so he is looking forward to bossing the children around, but when he arrives in class he realizes the job is much more challenging them he expected. The students are scared of him because he is a big man and he yells, but they are tough kids and continue to fight back. After the first few days the teacher see the kids won’t listen and he snaps at them. He says they wont amount to anything and that they wont make it in society, which causes the student so open up. They yell back at the teacher, e